Christmas @YBC

C4882FYA5.inddWhat are you looking for this Christmas?

A relaxed time with family and friends?

Parties, plenty of good food and drink – and that Christmas sparkle?

Or something that doesn’t fade once all the presents have been opened, and the decorations are back in the loft again?

When the Magi followed the star to find the place where Jesus had been born, they maybe expected a palace fit for a king, not a stable. Somewhere packed with important, powerful people, rather than shepherds and animals.

Come and join us this Christmas to celebrate one of the most exciting, surprising and life-changing stories in history. It’s still changing lives today…

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Teach Us To Pray

Slide1 After seeing Jesus pray the disciples asked him ‘Lord teach us to pray’. The disciples saw that that how Jesus approached prayer had a direct link to what he was able to do. This teaching series works through the pattern of prayer given by Jesus and explores how each line effects how we relate in prayer to God the Father.

click here to listen