Easter @YBC

C4705MP.indd Ever feel you’d like to reinvent yourself? Launch a new ‘you’ on the world?

There are plenty of people happy to help you these days – a new gym regime, a different diet, another therapy to pay for, new supplements to order.

The Easter story offers a different way.

It’s an invitation from Jesus to follow him, and discover life in all its richness. His death on the cross and return to life means there is a new life for all who want it, and who will turn from the wrong things that separate us from God.

You can have a fresh start. You can begin again. Come and find out how at our Easter celebrations this year – everyone is welcome.

For more info and services Click here

Contagious Faith: New Teaching Series

1 This new teaching series staring 21st Feb will explore how we engage in sharing our faith.

“God wants us to become contagious [believers] … who will first catch his love and then urgently and infectiously offer it to all who are willing to consider it. This is his primary plan, the one Jesus modeled powerfully: to spread God’s grace and truth person to person until there’s an epidemic of changed lives around the world” (Bill Hybels, Contagious Christians, 23).