Lent challenge: Mark through Lent

The period of Lent begins on the 1st March. Over lent as a church we set a church challenge to encourage us in our devotional life. This year we are choosing to read through the Gospel of Mark together and we are using Tom Wrights reading guide to help guide us through this exciting and fast paced account of the life of Jesus.

You can join in discussions on each days reading via our Lent blog




Christmas @ YBC

C4877FYA5.inddChristmas is often a time of promises…

“I promise to get you the toy everyone wants”

“I promise I won’t work late on Christmas Eve”

“I promise I’ll be nice to ALL the relatives!”

Actually, a promise is right at the heart of the Christmas story – God’s promise to send His Son into the world. It affects every one of us, because it deals with what we need most – to be re-connected with the God who created us.

The good news of Christmas is that we can come back to God through Jesus – we can know his love, his peace and real hope for the future.

Do join us at our services to discover that promise for yourself – it’s what you need most this Christmas!

Click here to see all our Christmas events